Drive-By Birthday Party
Among the many milestone celebrations that have been put on hold or canceled in recent weeks due to shelter-at-home orders, birthday parties seem the saddest of sacrifices. But when there’s a will, families and friends are finding a way. All over the county, birthdays for young and old are being celebrated instead with drive-by caravans of honking, decorated cars. This is hope. This is joy, amidst all the other things that are happening. We have designs available for all ages. Background colors can be changed to any color. Or contact us for a custom order today!
A new social media trend is inspiring people to come together and celebrate birthdays during the coronavirus pandemic. The birthday parades involve a stream of cars driving past the person's home to celebrate, meaning everyone can still observe social distancing rules. Drive-bys are becoming a national rage of sorts as people are in their second month of social distancing. Order a big yard sign, set up a tent on the front lawn and through social media and phone calls invite all their friends to cruise by their house for a surprise birthday parade. You might be at home, but you can still have a memorable celebration.