Educational Learning Classroom Homeschooling Supplies
Whether you are a parent or a teacher, you are undoubtedly thinking about how to help kids learn and thrive despite these challenging circumstances. Public schools have started to reveal what a return to classrooms may look like amid the pandemic, but many parents have pre-emptively opted not to return and are planning to home-school instead, a decision experts say is a huge undertaking that parents should be well prepared for.
Decorate as you educate with these visually appealing tapestries for your classroom! These math tapestries for teachers (and homeschooling parents) can be used for multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percentages and time clock activities to keep young minds thinking analytically. Classroom decorations are also a great way to create a welcoming environment in which your students will love to learn. Students will love the colors, and parents will appreciate the practical and useful charts that decorate your classroom. Our fun and vibrant charts allow wandering eyes to gracefully pass over the beginner math fundamentals and provide constant learning and reference material in the classroom.